Stop spoiling fruit (and veg) rotten: new supply-chain logistics tech

The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that around 14% of food globally is lost between post-harvesting and retailers, with agrifood businesses losing more than $2 billion annually thanks to logistics safety issues.

Some fresh produce, such as tomatoes or berries, is delicate, easily damaged in the journey from farm to fork. The longer the supply chain, the more likely this is to occur – and typically, fleet management is the weakest link in that chain.

Fortunately, agritech entrepreneurs across the world have developed sophisticated logistics platforms and technology to help minimise losses, spoilage and safety concerns in transit.

In a recent AgFunder News story, Dmytro Lennyi, agritech practice leader at software engineering and consulting firm Intellias, discusses the challenges for fresh-food supply-chain stakeholders in getting goods safely to market.

Lennyi also looks at how tech can help, listing several digitally-based supply-chain solutions aimed at minimising in-transit food loss and spoilage – some already commercially available; others on the horizon.

Among them is Australia-based platform AgriChain, which enables connectivity and collaboration between all ag-supply-chain participants, automating delivery processes, managing stock, increasing visibility and eliminating paperwork. Accessible via mobile or web, it even sends status updates on your produce-in-transit.

Read the full article here.

Source: No more rotten tomatoes: Improving agricultural logistics through technology I AgFunder News

Further reading

Here’s how we need to change global supply chains after COVID-19 I World Economic Forum