Have to Zoom? Do so securely…

At CRC HQ, we’re now using Microsoft Teams for most meetings, but if your teleconferencing tool of choice is Zoom, follow WIRED’s tips to ensure you don’t compromise participants’ privacy – or risk giving others access to potentially valuable IP.

With social distancing in place around the world, more and more of us are communicating via video conferencing – and millions of people are doing so using Zoom. Though the company claims it’s improved its security features, there’s still some cause for concern, with drop-in trollers and unsolicited snooping presenting potential problems for users and their IP.

That said, there are a number of settings you can use to boost privacy and security in Zoom meetings, from using new ID numbers for every meeting to enabling a virtual ‘waiting room’ that means every participant must wait to be ‘invited in’ by the meeting’s host.

Read the full article here.

Source: Keep Zoom chats private and secure I WIRED magazine