‘Better-for-you’ beverages: From functionality to sugar reductionTuesday 29 March 2022, 3pm SGT (6pm AEDT)The second and final APAC-region episode in FoodNavigator’s ‘Positive Nutrition’ series features industry representatives from Suntory, SweeGen and Kerry talking about innovations in health-promoting beverages.
1st International Conference on Food Waste to Food SustainabilityWed 24-Thu 25 August 2022, 9am-5.30pm daily, HKT (11am-7.30pm-, AEST)The focus of this two-day online conference is on bridging scientific, industrial, practitioner and policy gaps in the areas of food-waste upcycling, safe and sustainable food production, and society-wide food security.
MedConnect: Food on the front line of healthWed 27 July 2022, 6-7pm AESTJoin host Tegan Taylor, The George Institute's Professor Jason Wu and Vanessa Matthijssen in discussion on how nutrition can revolutionise health and wellbeing.
Growth Asia Interactive Broadcast SeriesOn demandThis year's Growth Asia webinar series explores trends in and markets for health and wellness products across the region, covering healthy ageing; plant-based innovation; healthy snacking; and maternal and infant health.
NutraIngredients Immunity webinar seriesOn demandNutraIngredients' webinar series features experts in the field discussing the existing science, opportunities for clinical research, new product development, marketing and regulatory challenges for those producing products to support immune health.