Future growth of the food and agribusiness sector cannot be sustained by productivity improvements alone.

CSIRO Futures worked with industry and researchers to identify key growth opportunities for the sector, and what Australia’s food and agribusiness sector needs to do to achieve them.

Their findings are presented in this elucidating report.

‘Enhancing the proportion of on-shore value-adding will be key, whether it be through the creation of unique products for niche markets or through developing varieties of commoditised goods with unmatched quality attributes and competitive production costs,’ state the report’s authors.

‘Sustained growth in the sector will require proactive investment and translation of enabling science and technology, involving transdisciplinary teams and transpartisan relationships,’ they continue, listing five key ‘growth enablers’ that arose from industry consultation and are discussed in the Roadmap:

  • traceability and provenance;
  • food safety and biosecurity;
  • market intelligence and access;
  • collaboration and knowledge sharing; and
  • skills.