Food Hubs, Logistics and Trade Forum

A Food Hubs, Logistics and Trade Forum was held on June 28 in Liverpool, the centre of the CRC’s Western Sydney future food hub. The event brought together CRC industry, government and research participants from across Australia.

Participants explored how their R&D priorities and project ideas could be augmented through collaboration and joint investment, with morning sessions covering the three CRC research programs – Regional Food Hubs, High-Tech Indoor Agriculture and Value-Adding. Break out groups in the afternoon sessions discussed Program One activity streams including the development of collaborative food industry plans, integration of circular economy technology in future food precincts, and key role of smart logistics in opening new markets for trusted, value added goods.

The forum was hosted by founding CRC participant, Liverpool City Council, leader of the CRC’s Western Sydney food hub activities. Liverpool is the site of the new 24-hour International Airport and the Aerotropolis being constructed around it.

CRC research and capability programs will help to create a world-class, high-tech agrifood precinct and food freight hub as part of the Aerotropolis, creating an array of opportunities for future food industry stakeholders.

Some photos from the day…