The Soil Biology and Health Certification Program in partnership with Soil Science Australia is designed for those working with soils daily and would be ideal for growers and consultants interested in learning about future directions for research, technologies, and practice. Presenters include Soil Health Champion, Mr Stuart McAlpine and soil researchers from Western Sydney University. The program also provides networking opportunities with experts and researchers during discussions, field site tours, and the networking dinner.
Participants will learn about the properties of soils and learn how to adopt practices and strategies to enhance soil health and biological activities and use the power of plant-soil-microbial relationships to unlock soil nutrients, produce healthier and more nutritious plants and understand how microbes in soils influence soil fertility and drive plant production.
What’s covered in the course?
The course program will expand your understanding of how new research is driving renewed interest in soil health and soil biology as a function of overall farm productivity:
- history of soil biology and agriculture;
- soil diversity and the functions of soil microbes that drive productivity;
- nutrient cycling of nitrogen, carbon and other nutrients;
- plant and microbial interactions;
- soil fauna that influence soil biology and activity; and
- ways of integrating soil health methods into practice.
The program is delivered in two parts:
Part 1*: Tues 6 and Weds 7 August: Incorporating soil health and biology with management practices to sustainably increase productivity and profitability. No prior knowledge required.
Part 2: Thu 8 and Fri 9 August: Integrating soil biology and health in agronomic practices for consultants, farmers, and agronomists who are interested in integrating soil biology and health into agronomic practices.

Western Sydney University Distinguished Professor Brajesh Singh at work. Credit: Western Sydney University
Who is presenting the course?
Course presenters include:
- Distinguished Professor Brajesh Singh (WSU), an internationally recognised expert in the field of microbial ecology whose research interests encompass functional microbial ecology, climate change and environmental biotechnology, with focus on the role of microbes in ecosystem function and environmental sustainability;
- Western Sydney University Associate Professor Uffe Nielsen, who is broadly interested in community and ecosystem ecology, and links between the two;
- Associate Professor Catriona Macdonald, who investigates the impacts of environmental change on nutrient cycling and resource allocation within terrestrial environments; and
- guest presenter Stuart McAlpine, who runs a 5,000 ha mixed-farming enterprise in Buntine, in WA’s Northern Agricultural Region, growing cereal crops and raising sheep on a property with a wide mix of soil types.
For more details on course content and presenters, click here.
Who should attend?
This is an ideal program for keen and innovative delegates seeking to understand the benefits of soil biology as a driver of healthy crops and healthy foods in sustainable production environments:
- proactive and innovative growers across the horticultural and agricultural sectors; and
- consultants, advisors and agronomists seeking to create new value from cropping operations.
Program Evaluation and Certification
The certification program will consist of evaluation of knowledge acquired during the course. It will include a quiz and a short essay response.
*Attendance of all 4 days is necessary for certification from Soil Science Australia.
*Attendees are eligible to apply for certification from Soil Science Australia upon completion of all 4 days
*Attendance at this course by accredited CPSS can be claimed in their OPD.
*The certificate will be awarded on the behalf of Soil Science Australia.
Key details
The course takes place on site at Western Sydney University’s Hawkesbury Campus (room TBA), Bourke St entrance, Richmond NSW 2753. View on map.
More information and applications
For further information download brochure here,
Soil Biology Masterclass 2024
Tue 6 – Wed 7 August 2024, 9am-5pm AEST
Attendees who are unable to attend the full 4 day program, or those who don’t require certification can opt to attend Part 1 of the program only by registering for the 2 day Soil Biology Masterclass.
Registration and inclusions: The registration fee for the Masterclass 2 day workshop is $595 and includes catering during the Masterclass, a site tour of the HIE’s research facilities, and a networking dinner at the Crowne Plaza.