Maggie Dowling

Maggie Dowling


With a passion for the food and research sectors and an appreciation of the specific operating challenges faced by NFPs, Maggie Dowling brings business acumen and extensive Board, Committee and executive-management experience to the CRC Board.

She has 15 years’ experience in the grains and food industry, including Director of the Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics and Chair of the Malting Barley Quality Improvement Program, and has held numerous directorships in the NFP and private sectors (notably, as an executive in a top ASX-listed company) as well as positions on state and federal government committees – including establishing the South Australian Food Strategy for the SA Government.

Dowling holds an MBA from the University of Adelaide and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. As General Manager of CRC CARE Ltd (the Cooperative Research Centre for Contamination and Remediation of the Environment), she has first-hand experience of what it takes to run a successful CRC.

Her strong practical understanding of the governance, operational, financial, and human-resource issues that face 21st century organisations, especially those undergoing significant growth and sector reforms, will be of immense value to the Board.