Yi Ya Hsu graduated from Taipei’s National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) with a Bachelor of Geography in 2017 and was awarded NTNU’s Outstanding Student of the Year. Hsu also has undergraduate qualifications in Region and Tourism Planning; and in Geospatial Information Science. In 2019, she took out a Masters degree in Urban Planning from Tainan’s National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), winning the Chinese Cartography Association’s Outstanding Thesis of the Year Award in 2020. Before relocating to Australia to undertake a PhD at UNSW, Hsu worked in various capacities: as a graduate research assistant (2017-19); as NTNU SDGs promotion manager; and for the NTNU Department of Geography’s Einstein Program (backed by Taiwan’s Ministry of Science and Technology) on various projects related to indigenous livelihood resilience and climate-change-related displacement. Since August 2021, Hsu has been a Senior Project Specialist in GIS tech firm RiChi Technology Inc. in New Taipei, working on interface optimisation and new function development for the ‘Disaster Spatial Decision Support 3D Web GIS Platform’ project with Taiwan’s NCDR, and assisting with webpage geo function development for the ‘Renew of Taiwan Geo Names Informatics Platform’ project with Taiwan’s Ministry of the Interior (MOI). Hsu’s skillset encompasses knowledge of ArcGIS, ArcGIS Online, QGIS, GeoDa , SPSS, Vensim, Netlogo, Tableau and Power BI. Her research interests include spatial analysis, Sustainable Development Goals and ‘smart city’ strategies. View Hsu’s Google Scholar profile and her ORCID profile.
Kezia Yi Ya Hsu
PhD student