This report by independent US-based thinktank RethinkX looks at the disruption modern food-product, logistics and other technology will cause to future food products and systems.

In particular, the report looks at the ‘disruption of the cow’ by modern foods, which the authors contend will trigger transformation of the entire supply chain, with some industries seeing losses, others gains.

Today’s successful food and agricultural businesses may not be the ultimate winners, the report’s authors argue. Disruptive innovations will reward agrifood businesses that are willing and able to adapt.

‘Modern production technologies will blur the boundaries between food, materials,
healthcare, and cosmetics, providing an enormous opportunity for those companies,
regions, and countries taking a lead,’ the report states.

‘Protein producers will not have to restrict themselves to one particular industry, as many proteins can be used for many applications. For example, collagen is an input in a range of end markets including leather, cosmetics, and food.

‘As the costs of modern meat and milk products drop below those of animal-derived
competitors, new producers may flourish as their margins increase far beyond those
in livestock farming.

‘Given the cost advantages modern products enjoy, this will lead to a period of exceptional margins that is likely to drive even greater investment in the modern food sector.

‘The winners in food production are likely to be biotechnology and software companies – those that have a model where efficient product distribution is key – or those retailers and distributors able to adapt to and help shape the new supply chain.’

Read the full report here.
