SERREE Final Business ForumThursday 4 June 2020, 11.30am-1.30pmIn this free online forum, the South East Region of Renewable Energy Excellence looks back at its achievements to date and outlines future initiatives. Register now to have a say on the ACT’s renewable-energy future.
Frontiers Forum 202016 May 2020, 9am-6pmA day of talks on cutting-edge issues in science from visionaries from diverse fields, this year featuring globally renowned environmentalist Al Gore - and QUT's own David Dale.
Canberra Urban Agriculture ForumWed 7 December, 10am-12noon AEDTHear from an impressive lineup of urban food-hub advocates as well as Independent Senator for Canberra, David Pocock at this Urban Agriculture Forum hosted by Sustain: The Australia Food Network.
Canning Vale Food Value Add Precinct Report LaunchThu 23 June 2022, 4-6pm AWSTHear the findings and recommendations of a BCEC research team hired to explore the potential of developing a food value-adding precinct in Canning Vale, Western Australia.
2022 National Forum on Urban Freight Logistics EducationFriday 17 June 2022, 9am-1pm AESTThis free forum supported by the CRC will present the findings of iMOVE Australia's national stakeholder survey of urban freight logistics education and give attendees the chance to weigh in on options for a new curriculum.