International Day of Awareness on Food Loss and Waste Reduction

29 September 2020

On 19 December 2019, the General Assembly of the United Nations designated 29 September the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste (IDAFLW).

The UN General Assembly’s designation recognises the fact that observing an International Day will ‘contribute significantly to raising awareness of the importance of the problem and its possible solutions at all levels’ and promote ‘global efforts and collective action’ towards meeting its Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target 12.3.

Sustainable Development Goal 12 is to ‘ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns’. The third target listed under this goal – Target 12.3 – seeks to halve per-capita global food waste at retail and consumer levels and reduce food loss along the entire supply chain by 2030.

Why get involved?

By observing the inaugural IDAFLW on 29 September 2020, organisations and individuals can, collectively, issue a clear ‘call to action’ to public authorities and private entities to strengthen their efforts towards reducing food loss and waste, thereby helping ensure global food security for all, especially the most vulnerable.

Tackling food loss and waste is a crucial part of improving and streamlining the way the world’s food is produced, distributed and consumed.

Reducing both benefits society and the planet, states UN Environment, resulting in:

  • greater availability of food to the world’s most vulnerable;
  • reduced GHG emissions;
  • less pressure on land and water resources; and
  • increased productivity and economic growth.

More information

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and UN Environment will collaborate in facilitating observance of IDAFLW.

For further information on how you can participate in the Day, visit the dedicated IDAFLW webpage. Here, you can access the Get Involved Guide and other relevant material.

Get key food loss facts from FAO.